Rethinking how we raise our companion animals

Natural products and holistic resources for the conscious pet parent.

Serving Birmingham, AL and surrounding areas.

Contact Alison to learn more about how you can help your animal thrive naturally.

Meet Bloom Dog Wellness founder, Alison Potts Bailey

  • “Alison has been the most instrumental person in helping my 10-year-old lab, Millie, with all health and nutrition needs! ... Alison's wisdom and care for helping choose the correct supplements has been life changing for Millie and I'm forever grateful!"

    - Margaret Marshall

  • "I've been BLOWN AWAY by the knowledge base and resources I've learned about through Bloom Dog Wellness. ... There isn't a single interaction I've had with Alison where she hasn't quoted the most recent study available on the topic I'm asking about."

    - Shanalee Richins Dombrosky

  • "We adopted Lenny, a senior dog who had all kinds of health problems... Alison suggested that his behavior could be the result of doggy dementia and recommended a natural mushroom product. We've used it consistently and have seen amazing results. He is now going to bed when we do and sleeping through the night!"

    - Meredith Carter