Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 14, 2024

Bloom Dog Wellness respects your privacy. This policy outlines the limited information we collect and how it's used to ensure website functionality and provide insights into visitor behavior, and facilitate product inquiries.

Information We Collect

  • Website Analytics: To understand how visitors use our site, we collect basic data like your browser type, IP address, pages visited, and time spent on our site. This is shared with Squarespace, our website hosting provider, and Google Analytics, to learn about site traffic and activity.

  • Cookies: Our website uses cookies necessary for its functionality, to analyze site performance, and for Google Analytics tracking purposes. These functional and required cookies are always used, which allow Squarespace, our hosting platform, to securely serve this website to you. You can manage cookies in your browser settings.

  • Fonts: This website uses font files from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To correctly display the website, these providers may collect personal data about you, including:

    • Information about your browser, network, or device

    • Information about this site and the page you’re viewing on it

    • Your IP address

  • Contact Form: When you submit a contact form, we collect your name, email, and the message you provide. This information is used solely to respond to your inquiries.

  • Order Form: When you submit an order form, we collect your name, email, phone number, and the selections you make. This information is used to understand your product needs and to contact you to arrange for order pickup and payment.

How We Use Your Information

  • Improve our website: We analyze data to understand how to make our website better for visitors.

  • Website Insights: Google Analytics helps us track visitor trends and website performance to improve your experience.

  • Display Fonts: We use fonts from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts to ensure our website displays correctly and maintains its visual design.

  • Respond to Inquiries: If you contact us, we'll use your information solely to respond to your questions.

  • Facilitate Orders: We use your order form information to understand your needs and contact you to coordinate pickup and payment.

Data Retention

We retain website analytics data for a limited period to analyze trends. Contact form and order form inquiries are stored securely to facilitate ongoing communication and order fulfillment.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this policy periodically. Changes will be reflected with an updated "Last Updated" date.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact me at: