
Hear from Happy Pet Parents

“Alison has been the most instrumental person in helping my 10 yr old lab, Millie with all health and nutrition needs! I felt helpless after seeking the help of my veterinarian as well as the functional medicine vet in town for years. Nothing I was doing seemed sustainable nor helpful to Millie. Millie had allergy issues, digestion problems, arthritis in her spine, degenerative joint pain in her hips and knee! A friend recommended I talk to Alison and this connection was a positive right from the beginning. Alison asked great questions and we discussed her history of bloodwork, nutrition, etc. Alison became an advocate for Millie's wellbeing and she and I have developed a friendship through the many hours spent tweaking Millie's supplements and diet. Alison studies and researches and has learned from worldwide leading experts on whole dog nutrition. She has built my trust as we have seen first hand great results from following protocols she has recommended. She helps me stay on top of Millie's changes and will help with any changes that need to be made in supplementation so that Millie's needs are never falling through the cracks! Alison's wisdom and care for helping choose the correct supplements has been life changing for Millie and I'm forever grateful!”

— Margaret Marshall

10 years old

“I’ve been BLOWN AWAY by the knowledge base and resources I’ve learned about through Bloom Dog Wellness. Not only is Alison extremely knowledgeable, she anticipates needs and works hard to listen, ask helpful questions to help you and your pet. There isn’t a single interaction I’ve had with Alison where she hasn’t quoted the most recent study available on the topic I’m asking about. She is incredible.”

— Shanalee Richins Dombrosky

“We adopted Lenny, a senior dog who had all kinds of health problems. Most notably, he would whine incessantly as soon as my husband and I went to bed in the evenings. Once Lenny finally fell asleep, he would wake up only a couple of hours later to continue to whine. It was extremely difficult to manage and we tried everything from middle of the night feedings to dog trainers to vet visits but no one was able to help us. Alison suggested that his behavior could be the result of doggy dementia and recommended a natural mushroom product. We’ve used it consistently and have seen amazing results. He is now going to bed when we do and sleeping through the night! This is one of many wholistic supplements and diet changes Alison has recommended to heal and improve our little guy’s quality of life. I couldn’t recommend Alison and Bloom Dog more highly!”

— Meredith Carter


“I first met Alison in 2019 when I was struggling to help my ailing 11-year-old pom. At the time he was suffering from too many issues to count, and I was looking for other avenues to take as the traditional ones were no longer working. I was just starting out in my natural pet care journey and knew absolutely nothing! The whole concept was foreign to me and seemed so daunting, but over the last few years Alison has helped me gain a better understanding of raising a healthy pet naturally. How she uses her knowledge and experience to help other pet parents is amazing. The advice and information I've received from her has been invaluable to me and the life of my pets. I can ask her about any health issue, treatment, food, supplement or medication and she will either already know everything about it or will research it and come back with a clear understanding in order to help you understand it as well. Alison has helped my dogs during numerous health issues with the best care and compassion imaginable and I know their quality of life is much improved because of her. Alison truly cares and pours her heart into each and every pet she helps, which is why Bloom Dog Wellness is such an awesome resource for any pet parent. I sing her praises to anyone who will listen and would absolutely recommend Alison/Bloom Dog Wellness to anyone who is looking for a better, more natural way to do things.”

— Haley South

“Alison will be an invaluable partner for you and your loved pet! Her love for animals has led her down a path that leads to you! I can’t say enough about how she’s helped me get my Lola on a much less toxic, completely natural diet. The benefits of getting off kibble and on a raw diet with veggies are numerous! Then learning to say ‘no’ to prophylactics and vaccinations (unless absolutely necessary) can be intimidating. You simply have to have the knowledge. She has done so much of the research already, and is eager to share it with you. You will not regret your time or money spent with her. You and your pet will be so much better off for it!!”

— Jennifer Pyles

"Alison is a incredible resource. We had a long journey figuring out what was going on with our itchy pup and she never stopped supporting us. She not only pointed us in the direction of incredible products but also told us the why behind them. Alison is a wealth of knowledge and whenever we had questions, concerns, or fears she was able to listen and guide us. She stood by us through this long journey and if something didn't work she automatically did more research and found us different options. She is knowledgeable, kind, honest, and has a servant's heart. She loves animals deeply and you can see that in her work. I am so glad we found Alison as she has given our pup and us so much relief through her kindness and expertise. We are forever grateful for the work she does!"

— McKinley and Jake Landen